Today's boosted creature: Warlock Monster Pedestal Box
server info

Rate Information
Experience Rate:
From Level To Level Experience multiplier
1 200 20x
201 400 15x
401 500 10x
501 600 8x
601 700 6x
701 800 4x
801 900 2x
901 + 1x
Loot Rate: 1x
Skill Rate: 5x (stage)
Magic Rate: 5x (stage)
Level Loss: 3 and with bless 1.5
Magic Loss: 20% - 40% (stage)
Skill Loss: 20% - 40% (stage)

General Settings
World type:PVP
Premium Account: Paid
Level to create guild:Level 8
Amunition: Infinity
Runes and Potions: Not Infinity
Time AFK to get kicked: 15 minutes
Login with more than 1 character per account: Yes

PvP Settings
White Skull (Frag Time): 7 minutes
Red Skull 7 frags
Ban Skull 11 Frags
Ban Skull Time 12 hours
Time to decrease frag 2 hours
Pz Locked:60 seconds
Cooldown: Version 8.0 - One step at a time
Damaga Type: More level, more damage
Cast rune on the Stack Yes

VocationsHP RegenMP Regen
Master Sorcerer5 health every 2 second200 mana every 2 second
Elder Druid5 health every 2 second200 mana every 2 second
Royal Paladin10 health every 2 second150 mana every 2 second
Elite Knight15 health every 2 second125 mana every 2 second
Wizard5 health every 1 second200 mana every 1 second
Healer5 health every 1 second200 mana every 1 second
Shooter10 health every 1 second150 mana every 1 second
Daredevil15 health every 1 second125 mana every 1 second

Stamina Settings
Time Information
42:00 ~ 40:00 +20% Experience
39:59 ~ 14:00 Normal Experience
13:59 ~ 00:00 Reduction -50% of EXP and no loot drops from the monsters you kill.
08:00 ~ 00:00 No Loot
Time to recover stamina Regeneration Stamina
4 minutes offline You get 1 minute of green stamina.
2 minutes on offline You get 1 minute of orange stamina.
2 minutes online You get 1 minute of green stamina.
1 minute online You get 1 minute of orange stamina.
If the player hunts for the 2 hours of bonus stamina, it will take 4 hours of standing still for the stamina to be full.
If the player hunts for 12 hours [10 normal and 2 bonuses] it will take 14 hours to stop for the stamina to be full.


See all available commands on the server and their functionality on the commands page.

House Settings
Level to buy house: Level 8
Price per SQM: 15000 gold coins
Need Premium Account to buy house? Yes
The rent of the house will be charged weekly and the amount will be the same as you paid when you bought it.
To pay the rent, just leave the money in the bank.